Cariere Cafe

Work -life balance

Statisticile la final de an releva ca 9 din 10 angajați își caută în mod constant un job, mai bine spus, un alt job...

Charisma Quantient

HOW TO CALCULATE YOUR CHARISMA QUOTIENT Many people believe that charisma is some special gift bestowed on a very few lucky peopl...

Active Listening

Listening is one of the most important skills you can have. How well you listen has a major impact on your job effectiveness, and ...

Human Resources is a Great Profession

Human Resources is a great profession – I’ll be the first to admit that, but I’m bias. We have a tough job to do...

Top 10 questions to ask in job interviews

  Being inquisitive during interviews makes you stand out from the crowd and can help you make sure the job is right for you...


Recognizing Early Signs of Burnout There’s a difference between a period of bad days, which we’ve all encountered, an...

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